This is a rare cobalt blue 130 year old Siphon Kumysgen Bottle that contained a wierd fermented mare's milk from horses that was believed to cure various ailments and diseases! SIPHON KUMYSGEN BOTTLE FOR PREPARING KUMYSGEN (Cross & Crescent Moon KUMYSGEN) REED & CARNRICK, N. All boldly emb on front, along with PHYSICIAN'S SAMPLE on front shoulder...... POWDER MARK---- WATER MARK---- (boldly emb on back with arrow lines).... Hand tooled big tapered blob top....
Excellent condition with no chips or damage. A dug bottle with some light haze. A very scarce mare's milk medicinal milk bottle from the 1880s or 90s..
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your business.... Your friendly fellow collector, Digger Dave Beeler. We stand proudly in support of our military men and women and their families.