Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle

Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle
Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle
Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle
Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle
Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle
Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle
Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle
Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle

Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle
If not for the light staining on the inside of the bottle I would call this Mint. No chips cracks Flea bites. Has a cork in the top, is how I bought it like 20 years ago. 14.25 inches tall x 4.25 inches at the base wide.
Coca Cola 30 OZ Bottle Rochester, New York, Blue Air Bubbles Very nice bottle

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